Amy's New Years Pledge

Dear Friends,

I would like to invite you to do something completely a Marathon without ever moving your feet!
Call me crazy...but on May 6th 2001 I will be running in the Vancouver International Marathon on behalf of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's "Team in Training". The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is a not for profit, voluntary health agency whose mission is to find a cure for Leukemia, Lymphoma, Hodgkins's Disease and Mylemoma as well as to improve the quality of life for the patients and their families.

I must have a really good reason for subjecting myself to the agony of training for a marathon. (It will be my very first running event ever!!!) And I do have a very good reason. As a member of the team in training I will be running this marathon to raise money to help find a cure for Leukemia and its related cancers. And I will carry in my heart those that I have personally known whom have passed away from these cancers, relatives battling them today and anyone you may know that these diseases have touched. Every mile I run will be for them.

I began the year 2001 with wonderful intentions of making a difference in others lives by doing something extraordinary. I wanted to find a way to do something that I have always wanted to accomplish, and somehow, use it to help others. Thats when I found the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. I have always enjoyed running and dreamed of one day running a full marathon. Joining the team was a perfect match.

Every day I am surprised to find how easy it is for me to get myself motivated to go out and run. I never thought I;d run eight miles..let alone feel as though I could have done more. The only resaon I truly can get motivated is because I know that I am training and rasing money in hopes to help find a cure. I have yet to wince or complain(Well maybe just a little!)...quit or just plain give up. I have daily support from my two young children, husband, family members and neighbors on my street who cheer me on as they see me run down the street. I am encouraged every day to find out how strong our inner spirits are as well as generous.

The finish line is not to far away. With your support I hope to give someone with Leukemia the same sense of triumph and joy that I will feel when I cross the finish line.

Won't you please help me in my quest? Every little bit helps! No amount you give is to small. Every dollar raised brings us that much closer to a cure!

If you would like to donate please click on the button to the left.

If you would like to check on my progress please check my diary to see how I'm doing!

Thank you in advance for your generous support.